Layla International (Australia) Pty Ltd is a New South Wales based Australian Private Company, its ABN was registered 1st August 2018. It is registered for GST. Based on the name, this company may be involved in international trading, fashion, or the education industry. However, without further context, it is challenging to determine the exact nature of its business.

Key Data

Business NameLayla International (Australia) Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered1 February 2021(3 years, 2 months ago)

Other Entity Names

BNLa Strada Fashion
BNLayla's Elegant Ladies College

Reference IDs

Company NumberACN 627 899 307
Business NumberABN 90 627 899 307
ABN From1 August 2018(5 years, 8 months ago)


Postcode AreaGordon

Other Details

ABN Last Updated23 October 2021(2 years, 6 months ago)