Minmin Trading Pty Ltd is a Victoria based Australian Private Company, its ABN was registered 1st July 2022. It is registered for GST. Based on the name, this company may be involved in trading various products or commodities in the Australian market, potentially specialising in the import or exports of goods. It is also known as Motel Marengo, which suggests they could be engaged in the hospitality industry, specifically operating a motel in the Marengo region.

Key Data

Business NameMinmin Trading Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered1 July 2022(1 year, 10 months ago)

Other Entity Names

BNEildon Lake Motel
BNMotel Marengo

Reference IDs

Company NumberACN 660 664 013
Business NumberABN 72 660 664 013
ABN From1 July 2022(1 year, 10 months ago)


Postcode AreasApollo Bay
Cape Otway
Petticoat Creek
Skenes Creek
Skenes Creek North

Other Details

ABN Last Updated10 March 2024(1 month, 2 weeks ago)