Anroya Pty Ltd is a South Australia based Australian Private Company registered 24th February 2016. It is registered for GST. Based on the name, this company may be involved in the manufacturing or distribution of musical instruments and equipment, or possibly a musical band that specialises in Hindley music. However, without more context, it is challenging to determine the exact nature of their business.

Key Data

Business NameAnroya Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered1 April 2023(1 year ago)

Other Entity Names

BNHindley the Band

Reference IDs

Company NumberACN 610 943 756
Business NumberABN 53 610 943 756
ABN From1 March 2016(8 years, 2 months ago)


Postcode AreasFulham
Fulham Gardens
West Beach

Other Details

ABN Last Updated18 March 2024(1 month, 1 week ago)