JAX Concepts Pty Ltd is a Victoria based Australian Private Company, its ABN was registered 26th June 2018. It is registered for GST. Based on the name, this company may be involved in the design and manufacturing of innovative concepts and solutions for the bedding industry, potentially specialising in unique bed frames and accessories. However, without further information, it is challenging to determine the exact nature of their products or services.

Key Data

Business NameJAX Concepts Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered1 July 2023(9 months, 3 weeks ago)

Other Entity Names

BNBed Hands
BNRaising Rayne

Reference IDs

Company NumberACN 602 263 294
Business NumberABN 41 602 263 294
ABN From26 June 2018(5 years, 9 months ago)


Postcode AreaPark Orchards

Other Details

ABN Last Updated19 July 2023(9 months ago)