Godruss Pty Ltd is a Queensland based Australian Private Company registered 17th February 2011. It is registered for GST. Based on the name, this company may be involved in the construction industry, specialising in various construction projects and services such as residential or commercial developments, renovations, or infrastructure projects in Australia. However, without further context, it is challenging to determine the exact nature of their construction services.

Key Data

Business NameGodruss Pty Ltd
Entity TypeAustralian Private Company
GST Registered30 June 2017(6 years, 10 months ago)

Other Entity Names

BNKCW Constructions

Reference IDs

Company NumberACN 149 371 568
Business NumberABN 12 149 371 568
ABN From17 February 2011(13 years, 2 months ago)


Postcode AreasCoochiemudlo Island
Karragarra Island
Lamb Island
Macleay Island
Peel Island
Perulpa Island
Russell Island

Other Details

ABN Last Updated4 December 2020(3 years, 4 months ago)